1 1 M271EVO VERSION 8 0 C YYYYMMDD M271EVO VERSION 20190926 2 1 M271EVO ENGINE 15 0 C Engine identification code 3 1 M271EVO TESTPROC 15 0 C Test procedure designation 4 1 M271EVO P_ISSUE 4 0 C Test procedure - issue number 5 1 M271EVO P_DATE 7 0 C DDMMMYY Test procedure - issue date / write "Draft" for draft 6 1 M271EVO SPONSOR 40 0 C Sponsor 7 1 M271EVO SP_ADR1 40 0 C Sponsor Address 8 1 M271EVO SP_ADR2 40 0 C Sponsor Address, Postal code 9 1 M271EVO SP_ORDER 40 0 C Internal Order No Test Sponsor 10 1 M271EVO SP_PROJ 40 0 C Project No Test Sponsor 11 1 M271EVO SP_CONT 20 0 C Contact Test Sponsor 12 1 M271EVO SP_COM1 40 0 C First Comment Test Sponsor 13 1 M271EVO SP_COM2 40 0 C Second Comment Test Sponsor 14 1 M271EVO LABNAME 40 0 C Laboratory 15 1 M271EVO LABADR1 40 0 C Laboratory Address 16 1 M271EVO LABADR2 40 0 C Laboratory Address, Postal code 17 1 M271EVO TEST_NO 30 0 C Laboratory test Run Identification 18 1 M271EVO STAND 5 0 C Laboratory test stand 19 1 M271EVO LABCONT 20 0 C Contact Laboratory 20 1 M271EVO LABCOM1 40 0 C First Comment Laboratory 21 1 M271EVO LABCOM2 40 0 C Second Comment Laboratory 22 1 M271EVO OILCODE 38 0 C Sponsor oil Code 23 1 M271EVO FORM 38 0 C ATC/ERC Formulation Stand Code 24 1 M271EVO SAEVISC 6 0 C Viscosity grade candidate oil 25 1 M271EVO DTOILREC 8 0 C YYYYMMDD Date of oil receipt at laboratory 26 1 M271EVO DTSTART 8 0 C YYYYMMDD Date of test start 27 1 M271EVO TISTART 5 0 C HH:MM Time of test start 28 1 M271EVO TZONE 3 0 C AAA Time zone of lab sending file 29 1 M271EVO DTCOMP 8 0 C YYYYMMDD Date of test completion 30 1 M271EVO TESTLEN 8 1 N Hours Actual testlength 31 1 M271EVO VAL_LETY 1 0 C X or blank Is Letter of Intent with ERC? Yes 32 1 M271EVO VAL_LETN 1 0 C X or blank Is Letter of Intent with ERC? No 33 1 M271EVO VAL_ATCY 1 0 C X or blank Was the test properly registered? Yes 34 1 M271EVO VAL_ATCN 1 0 C X or blank Was the test properly registered? No 35 1 M271EVO VAL_REFY 1 0 C X or blank Was the test stand referenced in acc. with CoP? Yes 36 1 M271EVO VAL_REFN 1 0 C X or blank Was the test stand referenced in acc. with CoP? No 37 1 M271EVO VAL_REFR 1 0 C X or blank Was the test stand referenced in acc. with CoP? Reference 38 1 M271EVO VAL_ACCY 1 0 C X or blank Is the outcome declared to be in acc. with CoP? Yes 39 1 M271EVO VAL_ACCN 1 0 C X or blank Is the outcome declared to be in acc. with CoP? No 40 1 M271EVO VAL_V_C 1 0 C X or blank Valid and completed, VCC 41 1 M271EVO VAL_BNDY 1 0 C X or blank Is the outcome declared to be within acceptance bands? YES 42 1 M271EVO VAL_BNDN 1 0 C X or blank Is the outcome declared to be within acceptance bands? NO 43 1 M271EVO VAL_V_S 1 0 C X or blank Valid and stopped by sponsor, VSC 44 1 M271EVO VAL_V_T 1 0 C X or blank Valid and terminated, COMMENT required, VTC 45 1 M271EVO VAL_I_C 1 0 C X or blank Invalid and completed,COMMENT required, IC 46 1 M271EVO VAL_I_A 1 0 C X or blank Invalid and aborted, COMMENT required, IA 47 1 M271EVO VALCOM1 70 0 C First Comment on Validity Statement 48 1 M271EVO VALCOM2 70 0 C Second Comment on Validity Statement 49 1 M271EVO VALCOM3 70 0 C Third Comment on Validity Statement 50 1 M271EVO VALCONT 20 0 C Person by whom the test was validated 51 1 M271EVO VALDATE 8 0 C YYYYMMDD Date of test validation 52 1 M271EVO FUELSUPP 40 0 C Fuel Supplier 53 1 M271EVO FUELCODE 20 0 C Fuel Code 54 1 M271EVO FUELBTCH 8 0 C Fuel batch 55 1 M271EVO ENGPN 20 0 C Engine part number 56 1 M271EVO R1OILCOD 38 0 C Low reference oil code (RL262), incl. Batch number from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 57 1 M271EVO R1FORM 38 0 C Low reference oil ATC/ERC Formulation Stand code (RL262) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 58 1 M271EVO R1TESTNO 30 0 C Laboratory reference test identification code (RL262) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 59 1 M271EVO R1_AV_SL 4 1 N Merit Average Engine Sludge result (RL262) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 60 1 M271EVO R2OILCOD 38 0 C High reference oil code (RL274), incl. Batch number from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 61 1 M271EVO R2FORM 38 0 C High reference oil ATC/ERC Formulation Stand code (RL274) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 62 1 M271EVO R2TESTNO 30 0 C Laboratory reference test identification code (RL274) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 63 1 M271EVO R2_AV_SL 4 1 N Merit Average Engine Sludge result (RL274) from the latest valid reference test on the test stand 64 2 M271EVO SL_AV_A_ 5 1 N Merit Average Engine Sludge 65 2 M271EVO SL_OPSFL 6 2 N Merit Oil Pan (With Sump) Sludge 66 2 M271EVO SL_OP_FL 6 2 N Merit Oil Pan (Without Sump)Sludge 67 2 M271EVO SL_FC_FL 6 2 N Merit Cylinder Head Front Cover Sludge 68 2 M271EVO SL_VD_FL 6 2 N Merit Cylinder Head Sludge 69 2 M271EVO SL_VC_FL 6 2 N Merit Valve Cover Sludge 70 2 M271EVO SL_TC_FL 6 2 N Merit Timing Case Sludge 71 2 M271EVO RS_MXASF 5 1 N ASF Max Ring Sticking 72 2 M271EVO RS_P1_R1 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 1, 1st ring 73 2 M271EVO RS_P1_R2 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 1, 2nd ring 74 2 M271EVO RS_P1_OC 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 1, Oil control ring 75 2 M271EVO RS_P2_R1 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 2, 1st ring 76 2 M271EVO RS_P2_R2 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 2, 2nd ring 77 2 M271EVO RS_P2_OC 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 2, Oil control ring 78 2 M271EVO RS_P3_R1 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 3, 1st ring 79 2 M271EVO RS_P3_R2 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 3, 2nd ring 80 2 M271EVO RS_P3_OC 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 3, Oil control ring 81 2 M271EVO RS_P4_R1 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 4, 1st ring 82 2 M271EVO RS_P4_R2 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 4, 2nd ring 83 2 M271EVO RS_P4_OC 5 1 N Ring SticK, Piston 4, Oil control ring 84 3 M271EVO P1_OC 4 1 N g/h Phase 1 oil consumption (at 75 hours/end of phase 1) 85 3 M271EVO P2_OC 4 1 N g/h Phase 2 oil consumption (at EOT) 86 3 M271EVO P1_BB_32 4 1 N l/min Phase 1 average blow-by at 3200 87 3 M271EVO P1_FC_32 4 1 N kg/h Phase 1 average fuel consumption at 3200 88 3 M271EVO P2_BB_32 4 1 N l/miN Phase 2 average blow-by at 3200 89 3 M271EVO P2_FC_32 4 1 N kg/h Phase 2 average fuel consumption at 3200 90 3 M271EVO P2_BB_55 4 1 N l/miN Phase 2 average blow-by at 5500 91 3 M271EVO P2_FC_55 4 1 N kg/h Phase 2 average fuel consumption at 5500 92 4 M271EVO V100_SOT 5 1 N mm2/s Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, measured at SoT on fresh oil 93 4 M271EVO V40_SOT 5 1 N mm2/s Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, measured at SoT on fresh oil 94 4 M271EVO V100H075 5 2 N mm²/s Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, measured at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 95 4 M271EVO V40_H075 5 2 N mm²/s Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, measured at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 96 4 M271EVO FD_H075 6 1 N % Fuel Dilution at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 97 4 M271EVO OX_H075 4 1 N A/cm Oxidation at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 98 4 M271EVO NIT_H075 4 1 N A/cm Nitration at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 99 4 M271EVO AL_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Aluminium at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 100 4 M271EVO CA_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Calcium at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 101 4 M271EVO CR_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Chromium at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 102 4 M271EVO CU_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Copper at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 103 4 M271EVO FE_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Iron at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 104 4 M271EVO MO_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Molybdenum at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 105 4 M271EVO NI_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Nickel at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 106 4 M271EVO P_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Phosphorus at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 107 4 M271EVO PB_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Lead at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 108 4 M271EVO S_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Sulfur at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 109 4 M271EVO SI_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Silicon at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 110 4 M271EVO SN_H075 4 0 N mg/kg Tin at 75 hours (end of phase 1) 111 4 M271EVO V100_EOT 6 2 N mm2/s Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, measured at EoT 112 4 M271EVO V40_EOT 6 2 N mm2/s Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, measured at EoT 113 4 M271EVO FD_EOT 6 1 N % Fuel Dilution at EOT 114 4 M271EVO OX_EOT 4 1 N A/cm Oxidation at EoT 115 4 M271EVO NIT_EOT 4 1 N A/cm Nitration at EoT 116 4 M271EVO AL_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Aluminium at EOT 117 4 M271EVO CA_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Calcium at EOT 118 4 M271EVO CR_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Chromium at EOT 119 4 M271EVO CU_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Copper at EOT 120 4 M271EVO FE_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Iron at EOT 121 4 M271EVO MO_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Molybdenum at EOT 122 4 M271EVO NI_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Nickel at EOT 123 4 M271EVO P_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Phosphorus at EOT 124 4 M271EVO PB_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Lead at EOT 125 4 M271EVO S_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Sulfur at EOT 126 4 M271EVO SI_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Silicon at EOT 127 4 M271EVO SN_EOT 4 0 N mg/kg Tin at EOT 128 4 M271EVO TOTFC 4 0 N kg Total test fuel consumption